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The 7 Week Slim Down Collection

Looking To Get In Shape Quickly? Revealed! 7 Ingredients That Will Help You Transform Your  Life In 7 Short Weeks! Discover how these 7 elements can make or break your weight  loss efforts Did you know the scale of life threatening health risks has shifted worldwide from starvation to obesity? Yes, the sad fact is more people collectively across the world are now suffering from being fat than from not having enough food to eat. One estimate puts the number of obese at 1 billion compared to 800 million people who are underfed. This is a huge problem! but one that can be overcome quickly if you are serious and put the effort in. However, Some people would say that I am wrong! It wouldn't be the first time. This is what I've discovered... Most people know how to exercise and eat well. It's more a matter of maximizing that knowledge and fine tuning it, so that the results will come and fast too! It's in the minor details that are often overlook


Baked Halibut with Salsa Verde Makes 4 servings Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds halibut steak 1 teaspoon olive oil, preferably extra-virgin Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste Salsa verde 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, preferably extra-virgin 2 tablespoons very finely chopped fresh parsley, preferably Italian flat-leaf 1 tablespoon minced shallots 1 1/2 teaspoons capers, rinsed and chopped 1 small clove garlic, minced 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon anchovy paste Instructions To bake halibut: 1. Preheat oven to 300°F. 2. Set halibut on a large sheet of aluminum foil, drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Bring together sides and ends of foil and seal into a tent, leaving an air space on top. Transfer tent to a large baking dish or baking sheet. Bake until the interior of the fish is opaque, 15 to 20 minutes. To make salsa verde: 1. Combine oil, parsley, shallots, capers, garlic, lemon juice and anchovy paste in a smal

The 3 Most Common Dieting Mistakes of Women

A woman on a diet has many suitors. The weight loss world is full of companies and self-appointed experts competing for her attention, often spreading misinformation and making  impossible promises. It’s so predictable. They just want to get into her….pocketbook. If you’re a woman struggling with weight loss, there’s a good chance you have heard some unreliable information, causing you to make a mistake or two. Just a bit of misinformation can make weight loss seem like a code to crack. It doesn’t need to be as complicated as it seems. By learning these mistakes, you can quickly unlock your potential and get back to getting results. Let’s look at four need-to-know weight loss mistakes. Starvation Diets If 1400 calories is good, 1000 must be better, right? Wrong. Your body needs fuel to burn fat properly. As strange as it may sound, if you cut your calories back too far, your body will actually begin conserving its store of fat. Think about wild animals in w

Did You Know That Your Body Is Stuck in “Fat Mode” for 20 Hours a Day?

In America, we ’ve achieved something incredible: Virtual freedom from the dangers of predators. Nature ’s most vicious animals are no match for humans. But one danger still haunts us. Something stuck with us that we can’t fight off.   In fact, it’s killing more Americans than any other cause of death. Obesity-related illness. Here’s a glimpse  of what Americans are suffering from: ●  Heart attacks and strokes that  immediate ly end the lives of people we love. ●  Back and joint pain that keeps you stuck on the couch and ruins your mood from the moment you get out of bed. ●  Plus diabetes, liver failure, sore muscles, arthritis, and other ailments that cost thousands of dollars in prescription medication every year. Even our children are suffering the consequences. My Daughter Was Thin, But She Was Suffering from My Weight. When I was overweight, I thought, “You know, it’s not so bad. I can live with this.” But then one day, my chest started