1001 Low Carb Diet Recipes

This Cookbook is for those of you living a low carb lifestyle and are seeking more variety Tired of eating bun less burgers, and cheese all the time? Serious need for a treat once in a while? Then look no further, because your taste buds are in for a real treat!

Hundreds & hundreds of great tasting, low carb dieting recipes, with simple everyday ingredients, all in our Interactive Low Carb Dieting Recipe File. You can go an entire year, and not have to eat the same meal twice, with our variety.

The simple truth is, I know for a fact that the reason you are reading this far, there is part of you that wants to take action to make it easier to stick to your low CARB DIET, and add more variety to your meals, and ultimately, you want to continue with a low  carb lifestyle that will eventually lead you to a longer, healthier, more energetic life.
Are you aware that just the act of thinking about adding variety 
to your low carb diet makes you want to own "1001 LOW CARB DIET RECIPES" 
even if it would cost ten times our low, low price? 
NOW, hold that thought as I tell you all that 
will be yours with your purchase.
Overcoming the boredom and lack of variety is perhaps the biggest obstacle you will face in low carb dieting. Well, that is about to change. I just wish I had come up with this terrific Low Carb Dieting Recipe File while I was still in the induction phase and suffering as you may well be.
With my Low Carb Dieting Recipe File, your variety will be vastly improved, and there will be no more seeking a carb counter when you sneak a snack, because I have included a full listing of all carb counts known to man. You can set up your meals weeks in advance, or you can plan around whatever your local butcher, or grocery chain happens to have on sale that week, saving you thousands each year on your grocery bill.

Whether you're just starting low carb dieting, or in the later stages, this Low Carb Dieting Recipe File is for you. Don't spend hundreds buying every book you see, just to add variety to your diet, it's all contained right here on my Low Carb Dieting Recipe File. With the single click of your mouse, you can search, entrees, meats, vegetables, side dishes, deserts, etc. All with printable recipes that you can take with you to the store for your ingredients, or right into the kitchen as you prepare your meals.

In the two plus years I have maintained a low carb lifestyle, I have never felt better, but I know the initial few months could have been a lot easier had I the knowledge and recipes contained in my Low Carb Dieting Recipes File. After two years, my cholesterol counts are fantastic, my triglycerides are as low as they have ever been, and I have more energy than when I was ten years younger. You can have all this to, if you stick to the diet, exercise minimally, and indulge in the many, many tremendous recipes you will find in my Low Carb Dieting Recipe File.


Hundreds of printable low carb dieting recipes

Search by Ingredients or Titles

Easy to understand built in carb-counter

My Low Carb Dieting Recipe File can save you literally thousands on grocery bills with a well planned meal schedule

End the everyday doldrums of low carb dieting
Actually will help you stay on the diet, and lose weight faster  


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